Monthly Archives: November 2022

Unlicensed Contracting A Serious Crime In Seminole
Pinellas County suffered relatively mild impacts due to Hurricane Ian, but our neighbors to the south fared far worse. Many homes and commercial properties were either destroyed or damaged due to large amounts of flooding and debris in the aftermath. As contractors descend on the area, our Seminole criminal attorney explains how those without… Read More »

Get Protection From Domestic Violence In Seminole
Domestic violence in Seminole is unfortunately common and can take on various forms. Sadly, many victims suffer in silence, blaming themselves for what is happening and unsure of how to make it stop. The first step in addressing the situation and protecting yourself is often to get a restraining order. Our Seminole family law… Read More »

New Bill Proposes That Child Support Begin At Conception
Child support in Florida helps ensure children are provided for in cases of divorce or when parents are unmarried. As getting parents to pay often proves challenging, getting a court order is often the best option. A new bill proposes beginning child support payments at conception. While this would definitely help mothers, our Pinellas… Read More »