Category Archives: Violation Of Probation

Types of Felony Probation Programs in Florida
The kinds of requirements with which probationers must comply depends in large part on the type of program in question, making it especially important for those who have been sentenced to a term of probation for a felony conviction, to speak with an experienced Seminole probation violation lawyer who can walk them through their… Read More »

Probation Violations in Florida
Probation is a form of community supervision that imposes specific conditions and terms (in lieu of incarceration) on those who have been convicted of certain criminal offenses. However, these sentences should still not be taken lightly, as violating a condition of probation can have serious consequences, including the revocation of the sentence altogether, so… Read More »

Violating the Standard Conditions of Probation or Parole
Probation is an alternative to imprisonment that allows defendants to stay out of jail as long as they comply with strict conditions required by the court. To find out whether you could be eligible for court-ordered formal supervision, or if you were recently accused of violating the terms of your probation, please contact an… Read More »