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Category Archives: Family


How Social Media Can Derail Your Family Court Case

By The Reep Law Firm |

Social media plays a major role in many people’s lives. It allows them to keep up with friends and family, follow the latest news and trends, and promote themselves, certain products, or a business. Unfortunately, most of us have heard about scammers who use social media as a way of targeting potential victims. In… Read More »

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Get Engaged Over The Holidays? Six Reasons To Get A Premarital Agreement In 2024

By The Reep Law Firm |

The holidays are a time for celebrating. If you got engaged between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day, the 2023 season may have been particularly special. As 2024 begins, you likely have a lot of tasks to complete as part of your wedding plan. Put creating a premarital agreement at the top of your list…. Read More »

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Five Tips For Creating A Parenting Plan In Pinellas County

By The Reep Law Firm |

Parenting plans in Pinellas County determine the amount of time you get to spend with your child. In cases where parents are divorced or unmarried, they dictate where the child lives, rights to weekends and holidays, and other important arrangements. Creating a realistic and workable parenting plan is important, as once a final order… Read More »

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Four Parenting Plan Tips To Prevent Child Time Sharing Disputes

By The Reep Law Firm |

Child time-sharing arrangements are a major issue for single parents and for those getting a divorce in Seminole. Despite any animosity you may feel towards your ex, you will need to cooperate to make parenting plans work, which includes having ongoing contact with them. Our Pinellas County child time sharing attorney offers some tips… Read More »

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Get Protection From Domestic Violence In Seminole

By The Reep Law Firm |

Domestic violence in Seminole is unfortunately common and can take on various forms. Sadly, many victims suffer in silence, blaming themselves for what is happening and unsure of how to make it stop. The first step in addressing the situation and protecting yourself is often to get a restraining order. Our Seminole family law… Read More »

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New Bill Proposes That Child Support Begin At Conception

By The Reep Law Firm |

Child support in Florida helps ensure children are provided for in cases of divorce or when parents are unmarried. As getting parents to pay often proves challenging, getting a court order is often the best option. A new bill proposes beginning child support payments at conception. While this would definitely help mothers, our Pinellas… Read More »

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In Seminole Child Custody Cases, Parenting Classes Required

By The Reep Law Firm |

Legal matters involving children are among the most sensitive types of court cases. When child custody is an issue, the court’s primary concern is ensuring the child’s best interests are protected. One of the precautions taken during these proceedings is to require parenting classes before a final child custody order or parenting plan is… Read More »

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