Five Tips For Creating A Parenting Plan In Pinellas County

Parenting plans in Pinellas County determine the amount of time you get to spend with your child. In cases where parents are divorced or unmarried, they dictate where the child lives, rights to weekends and holidays, and other important arrangements. Creating a realistic and workable parenting plan is important, as once a final order is issued it can be difficult to change. Our Seminole family attorney offers five tips to help guide you through the process.
Making a Parenting Plan In Pinellas County That Protects Both You And Your Child
Under the Florida Statutes, child time-sharing arrangements are generally encouraged in cases of divorce or with unmarried parents. Parenting plans dictate each person’s rights and responsibilities in making these arrangements. To ensure the plan you create protects both your own and your child, follow these tips:
- Make sure any plans account for your child’s specific needs.
There are no ‘one size fits all’ arrangements when it comes to creating a parenting plan through the Florida Courts. Factor in your child’s age, their relationship with each parent, and any special needs they might have.
Consider their daily schedule and how the plan might impact their routines, schoolwork, and time with family and friends. For older children, getting their input helps them feel more involved in the process.
- Consider the impacts on your own schedule.
In addition to the responsibilities you may have on your job and any flexibility (or lack thereof) in your work schedule, give careful thought to other family obligations, your social life, travel time between the parent’s homes, and the need for self-care.
- Include emergency provisions.
Unexpected situations are bound to arise. Children and parents may get sick or unexpected emergencies at home or at work could impact your schedule. Specify options ahead of time and include provisions in the event an emergency arises.
- Specify how problems will be resolved.
Be clear regarding how potential problems should be resolved. Consider the best course of action in the event of disputes between the parents, such as habitually running late or missing visits. Address issues with the child as well that could make implementing a parenting plan difficult. It is possible to make modifications to a parenting plan through the Pinellas County Family Court, but generally only when there are significant changes in circumstances or you and your child are in jeopardy.
- Be clear about communications.
Communication problems are one of the most common causes of disputes in Seminole parenting plans. Be clear on how you and your former partner will communicate with each other and specify the amount and types of contact the child should have with the other parent when they are in your care.
Contact Our Pinellas County Family Attorney
At the Reep Law Firm, we provide the trusted legal guidance parents need to protect their rights in court. For help in putting a parenting plan in place, contact our Seminole family attorney and request a consultation today.