Get Engaged Over The Holidays? Six Reasons To Get A Premarital Agreement In 2024

The holidays are a time for celebrating. If you got engaged between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day, the 2023 season may have been particularly special. As 2024 begins, you likely have a lot of tasks to complete as part of your wedding plan. Put creating a premarital agreement at the top of your list. Our Seminole family attorney explains six reasons why it is important and how it can protect your future marriage.
How A Premarital Agreement Protects Your Future Marriage
As the name implies, a premarital agreement is a legal document created by couples prior to their marriage. Ideally, it should be done well before other wedding planning. Under the Florida Statutes, a premarital agreement clarifies financial matters pertaining to the ownership, sale, management, or maintenance of property and assets. It also dictates how they are divided in the event of a divorce.
According to Wedding Pro, roughly 20 percent of all couples get engaged during the holiday season. If you are one of them, creating a premarital agreement with your partner should be at the top of your list. It may seem likely a decidedly unromantic way to start the new year, but the following are six ways it can play an important role in protecting your future marriage:
- Provides full disclosure
When creating a Pinellas County premarital or prenuptial agreement, each party must disclose all their individual property, assets, and debts. This helps clarify matters and avoids unexpected surprises in the future.
- Clarifies financial goals
In addition to discussing your current individual finances, you will also be discussing your future financial goals as a couple. This helps to ensure you are on the same page and can help avoid money arguments in the future, which are a common contributing factor in divorce.
- Establishes effective communications
These discussions are not always easy, and you may have to work closely to clarify future expectations about money, debts, and overall lifestyle. Having these talks and learning how to compromise is an important skill in any marriage.
- Designates non-marital property
Getting married does not mean you lose your personal identity. You may have a business, inherited belongings, or other items you want to clarify as separate from any future marital property.
- Protects your soon-to-be spouse
Once you are married, your partner has certain legal rights when it comes to property ownership and making important decisions that impact your lives. Getting a premarital agreement in Seminole provides the same types of protections prior to your wedding.
Discuss Your Options With Our Seminole Family Attorney
Getting a premarital agreement may not be at the top of your wedding planning list, but it plays an important role in protecting you and your partner and your future marriage. To discuss your options, contact the Reep Law Firm. Request a consultation with our Pinellas County family attorney today.